Wednesday 2 June 2010

[GAME] A narrow escape, and an angry dwarf

The sound of steel on bone still ringing in their ears, the two adventurers considered their next move. Though the skittering, cracking noises from across the blackened courtyard were no longer audible, tension hung in the air like a millstone. Both men breathed heavily as they tried to silently pick there way through years of decay and rubble back out the way they had entered the castle. More than once Garf looked back over his shoulder thinking he heard something, but Lafayette just looked resolutely forward trying to pick out the half broken wall over which they had climbed, and which would now become their means of escape.

After several minutes of searching, they located their route and clambered over into the adjoining gardens as quietly as they could. The gloom seemed to lift somewhat as they made their way through the foliage back towards the town. On occasion, Lafayette considered heading back up the sewer they had come out of with Leah the previous night, but thought twice. They were in no state to be caught unawares by the evil Cleric's nefarious minions twice in one night. On the way they summarised all they had learned since arriving in Weddenvale, taking stock of the situation. The, now obviously evil, Cleric that had usurped Garf's job. Lafayette's plan to retrieve the armour of Arhtur, First Lord of Weddenvale, that he now carried on his back. The mysterious and sudden disappearance of Leah, their newest travelling companion. Lafayette thought back mournfully to his old hound, Rover, that had been killed by the town guards back at the docks on his first night in Alesia.

The lights of Weddenvale drew them home. Lafayette snorted. Home, right. He had had nowhere to call his own home for so many years he could not remember. With a sidelong glance he appraised his unlikely travelling partner, as the cleric Garf hefted the weight of his mace from one shoulder to the other. Not a bad man to have around in a fight, thought Lafayette quietly to himself - despite an inauspicious beginning on the beach. Before long they arrived at the gates of Weddenvale, but were met with resistance when trying to enter. "We don't lets no-one in this time o'night, now be on yer way!", came the gaurds reply to Garf's request to enter. Curiously, after a couple of flicks of his fingers, the guard was in the next moment opening the door and letting them in. Hmm, thought Lafayette, definitely not a bad guy to keep around.

They two hunted for somewhere to sleep the night for some time, but all boarding houses and taverns had been closed up against the biting cold for the night. Suddenly Garf had a wave in his brain. "Bartholemew!", he uttered. Lafayette looked at him quizically, offering him a chance to explain. "He's a dwarf that lives nearby. Put me up the other night, decent sort. My nostrils are icing over here, we need to get out of this cold". Lafayette hesitated, not wishing to entrust himself into the house of some dwarf he didn't know. Eventually he was persuaded and the two of them trudged off to Bartholemews house through the ever growing snowstorm around them

They knocked several times, but still there was no answer. Eventually Lafayette lost patience and stoved the door in with his mace. Stepping over the now disintegrated doorframe his face connected squarely with the stout fist of a rather angry dwarf. "Get ye oot a ma hoose ye theif!" shouted Bartholemew as he raised his fist to pummel Lafayette some more. "Bart! Bart! Its me, Garf!", shouted Garf as Bartholemew tonked Lafayette another plumper on the side of the temple. Eventually Bartholemew came to his senses and recognised the young cleric from a few nights back. "Ye could have jist knocked, laddie!" He said as his face spread into a grin. Together they took some food and ale, before Lafayette hit upon the bright idea of hiding Arthur's armour in the basement of Bartholemew's house. The dwarf was reluctant at first, but Lafayette managed to sway him with the promise that they could go beat up Elves together when this was all over. Bartholemew laughed as he took the armour, but then the sound stuck in his throat. He regarded the pieces he was holding suddenly with a look of almost religious significance on his face. "Mithril laddie! This is made of mithril!", both Lafayette and Garf looked stunned at the armour, as realisation dawned on Bartholemew's face as to where the fine armour had come from. After more persuasion by Lafayette, Bartholemew reluctantly stowed the armour away safely.

The next morning Bartholemew bid the two adventurers farewell as they set out in search of horses in town. The purchase was easy, and soon they were on their way towards the house of the missing Patriarch of Weddenvale. They hadn't gone an hours journey when Lafayette suddenly turned to Garf. "I need to buy a dog", he said. Garf just looked at him. "A dog? Don't you think we have more pressing concerns? Like finding this official, stopping the dastardly villain, and finding out what happened at the silver mines?". Lafayette shook his head. "I miss my dog, and need another. I am not taking one more step forward until I have one". Garf sighed, and they adventurers turned to head back to town, in search of canine company.

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