Monday 14 December 2009

[GAME] All not well in Weddenvale

Lafayette was still grumbling as the cart made its way through the town gates of Weddenvale. Garf was looking around at his new parish. The buildings looked to be well constructed, yet they were starting to show signs of disrepair. Citizens of the town, their cloaks pulled tight against the morning snow, hurried about their business without looking up at the travelling party entering the town. The spire of the Church of St Cuthbert rose high above the other buildings, and the small party picked their way through cobbled streets towards it. The snow continued to fall as the adventurers entered the cathedral square and Garf looked up at his new charge, awe in his eyes at the sheer majesty of the structure. However, the church too was showing signs that it was falling into disrepair, and Garf smiled as he imagined the poster with the large thermometer he could attach to the spire.

Taking another look, Garf shifted in his seat. "Why are the doors closed to the people, Guard?", he asked the driver of the cart. The man shrugged in reply, "I dunno father. Brother Grimes always kept them open to the poor when the weather turned. Lord Blenheim would have it no other way". Garf shrugged and dismounted his horse, making his way to the doorway. Looking up, he saw carved into the wood a symbol of some religious significance. He frowned and turned back to the Guard. "How long has this symbol been here?" He asked the Guard. "Have to say I don't know Father, I spend all of me days down working the docks". Garf stopped a hurrying passer by and asked of him the same question. "Since the new cleric got here", came the terse reply as the man scurried off into the snow. Garf furrowed his brow in a confused manner.

Lafayette chuckled to himself. "Looks like someone got here before you brother Garf", he smiled. Garf ignored him and went back to the symbol over the door. He knew that he had seen it before, but was having trouble placing it. One of the Dock Guards hefted his axe, and Garf nodded to him. Lafayette craned his neck to have a look. "Let me out of here Guard, I might be able to help", he tried, as the Dock Guard slammed his axe into the door in an attempt to open it. The axe just bounced off, with the door having not so much as a scratch on it. Garf snapped his fingers together. "I've got it! That is the symbol of Nerull, God ... ", "Death...", finished Lafayette for him, "I've seen it before". Both guards looked at Lafayette. "Look I can help out here, let me out of this cage". Lafayette was at his most persuasive, and finally the Guards relented.

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