Monday 14 December 2009

[GAME] We're in trouble now, Garf!

Garf took in his surroundings. He was in a room roughly thirty feet in diameter, in the center of which, carved into the bedrock was an unspeakably arcane symbol that seemed to burn on the floor. To the back of the room was a large altar, underneath which was a small carved pool of molten rock. Two monks were on either side of the room, completely rapt in their devotions not noticing the Cleric at all. It was what was in the centre of the room however that caused Garf to momentarily forget to breathe. A human was in the centre of the arcane symbol wearing the black robes of a dark cleric. The man had a neatly shaven head, and a neatly trimmed goatee, with cold piercing green eyes that bore into the back of Garf's skull. The man did not look angry, rather the hint of victory was about his face as Garf shifted his gaze to behold the thing that stood next to him.

It was fully nine feet tall, built like a dwarven outhouse, the sinews and veins rippling across its muscular body. It had the hint that at one time it might have been a man, but the dark leathery wings that beat in the hot air were most definitely not human. It's terrifying gaze rested on Garf's frozen form, mists of red smoke emanating from its blazing red eyes. The thing opened its mouth and roared at Garf almost deafening him, but also waking him to action. Garf bravely raised his mace and was about to charge when he heard the sounds of a scuffle behind him.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw that Lafayette was still lying prone in the doorway, but two more adventurers were now engaging the monks behind him. Garf briefly wondered where they had come from, but realised it was probably the fleeing guard that had alerted them to the situation down here. They looked to be struggling against the monks though. Suddenly, as Garf turned around to face his demise, there came a blinding flash of light from the centre of the arcane symbol. The force of the spell was so powerful it knocked all but one of the protagonists from their feet. When Garf recovered enough to raise his head and look back at the room, he noted that both the Dark Cleric and the unspeakable horror were gone.

Also getting to his feet was a half elven woodsman, who looked a little worse for wear given his encounter with the monks outside the arcane room. "Well met, I am Leah", he muttered at Garf. Garf nodded his thanks and enquired where the other monks had gone that had run in behind him. Leah pointed at the room, "They ran in there". Garf took off to have a look. There was an opening in the wall that had previously not been there and Leah cautiously poked his head through it. He could not see very far but the stench and the brickwork in there gave it away as the town sewer system. "So what do you think?", asked Leah. Upon receiving no reply, he turned and rolled his eyes at the cleric, who had taken this time to kneel and do his devotions.

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