Monday 14 December 2009

[GAME] Incarceration!

Lafayette groaned again as he shifted his position on the wooden slab they referred to as a "bed". Garf was sitting in the next cell, quietly doing his devotions. "Hey cleric!", muttered Lafayette. Garf did not look up. "Cleric!", he mumbled again. "You got us into this mess, how about you get us out of it". A half eaten chicken drumstick entered the cell and bounced off Lafayette's sore head. "Keep yer noise down, filth!" shouted a guard, whose comrades death he had evidently not yet forgiven Lafayette for.

Garf opened his eyes and made the symbol of Kord with his fingers. The guard approached. "Cleric, " he said, "Warden wants to see ya". Unlocking the door, the guard opened it and Garf stepped up and walked out. "Put in a good word for me", muttered Lafayette, scrabbling around for the drumstick. Garf was about to answer when from nowhere a small voice advised him not to help the man. Looking behind him, but seeing no-one, Garf shrugged and continued to trudge along behind the Guard on the way to the Warden's office.

"So who are you?", demanded Warden Chiles. His angry demeanour was nto reserved for Lafayette alone. He had lost a good man already that day and regarded Garf with a deep suspicion. Garf swallowed. "I-I'm the new man at the Church in Weddenvale. I was sent by the Monastery of Kord in Stormkeep.". The Warden's expression immediately softened. "You'll be taking up ol' Brother Grimes' post?", Garf nodded. "Well I'll miss the ol' fella, he was very good to us all.". Garf inclined his head politely, "I shall endeavour to do the same Warden!". "Good good", came the reply, "I'll arrange transport for you and the prisoner up into Weddenvale. He needs to see the Magistrate up there anyway". Garf opened his mouth to speak up on Lafayette's behalf, but once again the small voice warned him not to. He looked again behind his shoulder, ignoring the Wardens curious glance, then shrugged it off. "That'll be delightful Warden Chiles, thankyou".

From the cells there came a crash, the second in the last ten minutes. Garf walked past Lafayette's cell to see him nursing a badly bruised shoulder. He shook his head at the man. "Why did you do it?", asked the Cleric. Lafayette grunted. "Self defence I tell ya, never meant to kill nobody". Garf shook his head sadly. "Well tomorrow you are being taken to the Magistrate in Weddenvale". Lafayette shrugged. "Whatever", he muttered and lay down to get some sleep.

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