Monday 14 December 2009

[GAME] Into the Crypt

After several failed (and humourous) attempts to scale a rope to the foot of a stained glassed window, Lafayette finally made it onto the ledge. Using a rag, he covered his fist and drove it through the stained glass. Dropping to the floor, he looked up just in time to see a robed figure set off at a pace from the pulpit to the back of the church and disappear down a side passage. Lafayette whispered noisily for Garf to follow. The weight of his armour in its pack weighed the young Cleric down, but he and one of the Guards made it into the church. "He went this way", shouted Lafayette and set off at a charge past the pulpit, neatly hurdling a thin tripwire that bested Garf, who fell flat on his face. Dusting himself off, Garf ran to a closed door where Lafayette was waiting.

"He went in here", said the Ranger. Both men listened at the door and heard a shout. "Tell the master to begin the invocation! We have intruders!". The Guard hefted his axe again, but this time Lafayette was quicker and had the door stoved in with his shoulder in a few second. Garf muttered something about "move silently checks" under his breath, but was unheard.The splintered door was pushed aside to reveal a well built passageway leading downstairs. Listening carefully again they could not hear anything at the foot of the stairs so set off moving silently downwards. This time a little voice inside Lafayette's head questioned the wisdom of moving silently when they had just caved in a door, so the adventurers broke into a run down the steps and straight into the crypt under the church.

Lining either side of the crypt were several well constructed coffins including one that dwarfed the others on the left hand side. Stone columns ensured the roof stayed where it was supposed to, yet standing at the far end of the crypt, and guarding what looked like a freshly dug opening, were two of the robe cladded figures stood silently watching them. The group had no time to consider a plan, as Lafayette fumbled in his pocket for something and set off at a fast pace towards the monks. One of the monks met him halfway and Lafayette crashed a smoke bomb into the man head, creating a cloud of thick dust around the pair. "Go! Go!", shouted the Ranger as he grappled the monk. The Guard took one look at the scene, and without requiring a second invitation shouted, "Ok!" and ran back up the stairs out of the crypt.

Garf and Lafayette found themselves battling the monks alone, but were able to overcome the threat with weapons superiority. After the monks had been downed, Garf proceeded through the opening in the way and began to look around. Lafayette stopped and took a closer look at the large stone tomb. He noted with some distaste that the lid had been slidden back and body had disappeared. Inside the tomb were the items the man had been buried with including the biggest mace Lafayette had ever scene, and some enormous plate armour. Lafayette removed the items while Garf had his back to him ahead, and after a brief wrestle with his conscience decided to come back and "recover" them at a later point.


  1. ...... flash back . many years ago ......

    My lord , the Gnolls are making an advance on the west and north walls of the city.

    Master Lafayette ... take your troops to the west side of the city and give the clerics some protection, to enable them to keep the cities enhabitants healed. Ensure that the hosptial the clerics have set up is well protected and equipped.

    My lord, it shall be done.

    /Lafayette leads a battalion of troops from the war-room of waterdeep, to the west-side of the city.

    /Someone shouts ... the North Wall has been breached ... The Gnolls have entered the city .

    /The sound of the battle being brought forth into the city is evident with the screams of people dying, and the sounds of metal clattering.

    Seargeant darkwind ... yes master Lafayette. Take 1/2 of the batallion and secure that 'god damm' north wall. I'll take teh rest to the west-side and protect the clerics and their damm hosptial.

    Lafayette and his batallion make their way to the west side of the city, passing numerous injured civilians, damaged structures from different siege weapontry and fire's running out of control.

    Eventually the 1/2 of batallion make it to the main city church where, their greeted by the Bisphop kempo.

    Master Lafayette at your service. He /bows. I have orders to protect the hosptial, and ensure the safety of your clerics.

    ... Lafayette suddently becomes aware that no hospital has been set up ...

  2. ...... flash back . many years ago ......

    The last 18- months of incarsartion had taken their toll on Lafayette, and now he was acutely aware that he had used up the last of his appeals.

    Attacking and seriously injuring a high level religious practioner during a time of war is a most heinous crime, and one which you will NOT be given the opportunity to repeat Lafayette ...

    ... Sir i must protest, 'Kempo' is not what he seems, and is using his influence to make you perceive something, which is false.

    ... you dare insult the integrity of a man of the church in my court-room ... You have had 18 months of time to reconsider your case and ask for forgiveness of your crimes. Instead, you make a gambit that Bishop 'Kempo' is not what he seems, and you expect me to accept that as genuine. where is your evidence Layfette.

    Bishop Kempo is clever, and will no doubt have removed it your honour. I seen a dark metal symbol of unknown origins in his posession, as was a summoning circle painted on the floor of his church.

    The bishop has already given evidence that it was a 'healing' circle Lafayette, somthing which was supposed to be used to help wounded citizens.

    I tire of you accusitions Lafayette, as do i your un-repetant manner. You will be executed in 7-days time Layafette. May Korn cleanse your soul.

  3. ...... flash back . many years ago ......

    /inside a rat infested dungeon Lafayette attempted to ponder what had happened, and although escape had been on his mind, felt it was pretty futile given the amount of thickness the walls were made of, and the regular gaurds which patrolled his cells.

    At around 01:00 hours, Lafayette, became aware of a mist, which permeated his cell and began to approch him. Although alarmed, Lafayette thought to himself, so their planning to execute me whih some alchemists poisiness gas, well very well, their is not much i can relly do.

    To Lafayette's suprise, a quiet voice whispered something to him.

    " " I am aware of your situation Lafayette and know of your innocence " ".

    To Lafayette's amazement, materialising in one corner of the cell, was the silouette of a dark-skinned woman.
    and seek to make a pact with you.
    I could help you to escape your situation Lafayette

    /Lafayette: whatever you are, I would give anything to be out of this situation, and if you can influence the judge in this matter, i would be eternally grateful.

    /dark-skinned woman: Thats an interesting way of putting things Layayette 'Eternally grateful'. I have no inflence on any judge sadly, but i do offer you the chance for freedom, in a round about sort of way.

    /Lafayette: I'll gratefully take it in any way, just get me out of here.

    /dark-skinned woman: You would do to know, that this pact is forever binding, and will require you to feed me regularly. This will also receive a montly wage of 100 gp, to help you manage your life's finances.

    /Lafayette gupled: feed you ... what are you. That it became very apparent in his mind ... Sighing ... You have my word of honour. Now how do i get out of here?

    /dark-skinned woman: The only way possibly ... through death, well of a sort.
    The creature fed and disappearedvery rapidly.

    The next morning, to the befuddlement of the gaurds, Layafette was pronounced dead and buried.

  4. ... From the office of Bishop Kempo ...

    My lord, have you heard the news, Layafette was found dead in his cell.

    The bishop Kempo raised any eyebrow that suggested suprise and distain. Are you sure of your facts vicar anderson?

    I am my mylord. He was pronounced dead by the healer androzanius, and burried in mount heliborn cermetary near the main port.

    Has Piergeiron the Paladinson been informed of this development?

    Yes mylord.

    Bishop kempo squeezed his hands in anger. So he escapes the opportunity to have Korn cleanse his soul in the afterlife. /sigh

    Very well. Ty Vicar Anderson for this information.

    /Bishop Kempo smiles evily, thats one problem that won't have to be managed now.

  5. ... news brief ... The waterdeep Gazette.

    Time: 4 months later
    Location: Main waterdeep city

    /paper seller (scroll): Extra extra: read all about it. A desecration has occurred in Mount helibron Cemetary.

    /Vicar anderson: tis bad times when the only news that can reproted is a last person's resting place.

    /paper seller: Agree there wit-ya vicar. But i don't think people will be all that troubled by the news. I've only sold 10 scrolls all day long.

    /vicar anderson: Why's that ?

    /paper seller: It was that their criminal Lafayette, and we know how he was viewed in the end by the cities inhabitants. Who would by his story ... The paper seller spat. A dead criminals last resting place descrated. Some folk would think his corpse probably deserves it. /the seller laughes. I wonder where it is anyhow. The alchemests betting shop is actually taking wagers on which part of the city it will end up in ..

    /vicar anderson ... what do you mean disappered. ?

    /paper seller ... thats right ... The whole dame body mising. Captian Bight has done the investigation --> /points at the quote on the scrool
    " " " i'm sure this was either a practical joke or the work of magic, as it appears that after investigating that the coffin was opened from the inside. We know thats impossible because after 4-months without oxygen, no person much less a dragon would be alive. No spell could last that long, and no signs of and wars or circle magic was found " " " .
