Monday 14 December 2009

[GAME] The tunnels under the Crypt

The unlikely heroes made their way quietly along the roughly hewn passageway. What had been excellently masoned stonework had given way to hastily dug tunnels that descended as they stretched before the pair. On the right hand side a few paces forward, they spotted an opening in the side wall and headed to it. Peeking around the corner, Garf saw three more monks sat around a table talking excitedly. They caught snippets of conversation regarding "the master", and "the invocation", and the "time it takes to perform the ritual", but not a lot of it made sense. They occasionally heard the name "Jintle" mentioned along with "Uther".

After making the universal sign for "quietly!" the pair sneaked past the entrance to the room and continued on past the corridor. It was not long before they heard more voices and found another room to the left this time. Once again, Lafayette looked around the corner and saw three more monks sat around a table discussing much the same subject matter. Candelight on a central table caused their shadows to play and dance on the cavern wall, and once again he looked back at Garf and raised a finger to his lips. Tip-toeing lightly across the entrance Lafayatte continued on. When Garf came to move however, a bracer from his armour came loose in his pack and crashed to the floor. The monks all jumped to their feet as one, and charged out of the room at the sound.

Fist flew as the martial artists began to pummel on their foes. Lafayette struggled with a monk that had grappled him and was trying to drag him to the floor. Garf was about to raise his mace, when he remembered an obscure tactic that had served him well the previous day. Making the symbol for Kord and muttering his prayer, he commanded an obscuring mist of fog to embrace the fight! Lafayette took advantage of the situation and laid the elbow into the face of his attacker as Garf pointlessly swung his mace in the fog. Suddenly, from deeper into the tunnels came a low rumbling sound. Both men felt the ground tremor beneath their feet and they quickly despatched the attackers.

Time was of the essence now, and all thoughts of stealth were forgotten as the adventurers charged down the tunnels towards a closed door guarded by a single monk. Lafayette did not pause for breath as he charge straight into the midriff of the monk. The sound of bare feet running down the passageway behind them gave Garf cause to look behind him and spot four monks closing fast. They needed to get the guard down and get into the room quickly! Garf closed his eyes briefly and prayed for strength. He then charged into the fray. He was just too late! Lafayette had thrown off the guard and got the door open! Garf charged into the room, but as Lafayette tried to follow, the monk guard tripped him and he smashed his face into the doorframe, going down unconscious and blocking the entrance.

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