Monday 14 December 2009

[GAME] Journey to Weddenvale

The cart bounced along, making all the aching bones in Lafayette's body remind him of yesterdays exertions. "Can't you drive this thing in a straight line?!", he shouted at the driver, who did not reply, just found another boulder in the road and promptly steered the cart over it, to more angry shouts from the cage on the back. Garf pulled his robe closer up around his neck as the north wind bit into him. Despite the icy conditions, and the brief hiccup with the Dock Guards, Garf was pleased to be on his way to take up his post in Weddenvale. He knew little about St Cuthbert, whose Church he would be pastoring, but enough to know St Cuthbert was on the side of the righteous, and that suited Garf just fine.

The weak sun slowly swept out its low arc across the sky and began to set. The Dock Guard next to the driver suggested making camp for the night, it being a two day journey from Blenheim docks to Weddenvale, and Garf and the driver readily agreed (everyone ignored Lafayette's opinion). After searching out some firewood and getting the fire lit, the three set to cooking an evening meal. Lafayette continued to protest that with his feet manacled, there was no way he could run off, and could they just let him out to take his meal by the fire. It was starting to get very cold indeed. After an hour of persistent complaining, and with a little nudge from Brother Garf, Lafayette was released from the cage and permitted to take his meal nearer to the campfire.

Suitably satiated, the small company drew lots for the night watches, and Garf and Lafayette found themselves on first watch. Taking a few paces back from the fire and into the cold woods, they allowed their eyes to adjust to the dark and settled back against a couple of boulders to keep watch. Neither spoke much, preferring to keep their cowls over their faces against the biting cold. The wind had died down, but had not taken the freezing chill with it, and the unlikely companions shivered as they watched the gently swaying trees cast moonlit shadows all about them.

There came a small noise from somewhere out in the forest and both men strained their eyes to see into the dark. Something moved out in the bushes, drawn towards the fire of the camp. Lafayette got slowly to his feet and drew a dagger from somewhere the Dock Guards hadn't searched. Garf drew his mace and also got up quietly. They stalked the creature for several minutes as it made its way towards the camp, then with astonishing speed it struck at them! A badger, the size of which Garf had never seen before, launched it's dripping fangs at Lafayette with surprising pace. Lafayette parried the attack, while Garf swung his mace, connecting with the dire badgers flank. The creature roared in anger and turned to face his attacker, as the two Guards came rushing into the clearing, swords drawn. The creatures eyes blazed red as it charged and parried the swords that the party flashed its way, but the adventurers were too strong and after a brief but hectic fight, they were able to bring the creature down. Panting, the four men returned to the safety and warmth of the fire, and settled down to a restless, sleep deprived night.


  1. Man. That is some seriously good infromation man. You seriosuly are one of the best GM'S ever!

    keep it going man.

  2. By the way stefan. Looking forward to the game immensley. When is the next one planned ! ?
