Tuesday 13 July 2010

Flashback - At an unknown time (Kempo)

Abbot Dias-rut sat in the anti-chamber awaiting an audience with the Bishop kempo.

/Bishop Kempo: Abbot Dias-rut. How honoured I am to have you back in Waterdeep, at the church of Kord. It has been to long old friend.

/Abbot Dias-rut: The pleasure is all mine Bishop Kempo. The Abbot kneels and kisses the bishops ring. I come to you Bishop on a private matter, which may require your attention. May we speak in private?

/Bishop Kempo: Of course Abbot, follow me into my private chamber.

The bishop leads the Abbot down a series of corridors and enters a private study on the south side of the room.

/Bishop Kempo: please take a seat Abbot. What troubles you my son.

/Abbot Dias-rut: Bishop, you know my devotion to the word of Kord.

/Bishop Kempo: you are one of Kords most loyal servants, a real credit to his greatness.

/Abbot Dias-rut: Thank you bishop. Please do not smite me when I say this, but lately, I have been questioning Kords intentions, and feel dis-attached to him. I feel I want to be, well … in the service of someone else. I cant explain it, its just how I feel. It’s very odd but my heart is strong and my mind is made up. Please don’t be offended with me bishop.

/Bishop Kempo: I’m not offended at all Abbot, relieved actually. Do you love and believe in me Abbot.

/Abbot Dias-rut: absolutely bishop. I would follow you to the end of the realms if you required it of me.

/Bishop Kempo: Very well, I have a proposition for you Abbot …

Some flashing lights occur within the context of the room, and one final thing is heard. I accept your proposition Bishop Kempo, whispers Abbot Dias-rut . . .

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