Thursday 8 July 2010

Flashback - Five years ago ... (Lafayette)

Timeline: 5 years prior to present in-game date.

Location: The firedrake in pub in the city of Cormyr.

Two warriors appear to be having a chat in the bar.

/Mylo: Have you ever met Bakari Monsoon before Phar?

/Phar: I know he's a bounty hunter like one of us, and yes, I have met him once. You not seriously going to invite him on our hunt? This guy is bad news.

/Mylo: What makes you say this Phar? He comes highly recommended and we need help with this highly skilled sleazebag that were currently hunting. Or rather the pair of them.

/Phar: He’s abit weird is all Mylo.

/Mylo: Weird, how?

/Phar: We’ll his left hand is false, and he has a spring-loaded blade contained somewhere within the stump.

/Mylo: That’s colourful.

/Phar: He also hangs out with a vampire … Popular rumour says he lets the bleeding thing feed off of him ! ! ! Its not natural Mylo. The guy is creepy and bad news.

/Mylo: we’ll I have to agree with you there. But nevertheless, he’s got some bloody good skills. Did you hear of the bounty he recently brought in alive; Lord Pelias.

/Phar: Lord Pelias … The bleeding guy is crazy. Would skin you alive. Executed his own mother for sneezing during breakfast, and the waterdeep gazette reported him “ “ biting a horses eye out for the fun of it” ” ” Nevertheless that’s a very impressive mark captured.

/Phar: so you have enlisted the help of this bounty hunter, along with us two to hunt two men down. That seems a little over the top, don’t cha think? Hardly sporting.

/Mylo: This hunt will require him. Were hunting two top-notch scumbags and each one is worth a kings ransom if we succeed. Funny enough, Bakari said he would help us for free on the second hunt.

/Phar: wow … free help.

/Phar: Ok Ok Ok. He can come. What’s this convicts name were hunting?

/Mylo: The first is some loser called Rampen. Apparently the guy has more enemies than a King’s executioner. And the second one is some religious crank. Oh there is Bakari now …

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