Wednesday 7 July 2010

Flashback - The Siege of Waterdeep (Lafayette)

My lord , the Gnolls are making an advance on the west and north walls of the city.

Master Lafayette ... take your troops to the west side of the city and give the clerics some protection, to enable them to keep the cities enhabitants healed. Ensure that the hosptial the clerics have set up is well protected and equipped.

My lord, it shall be done.

/Lafayette leads a battalion of troops from the war-room of waterdeep, to the west-side of the city.

/Someone shouts ... the North Wall has been breached ... The Gnolls have entered the city .

/The sound of the battle being brought forth into the city is evident with the screams of people dying, and the sounds of metal clattering.

Seargeant darkwind ... yes master Lafayette. Take 1/2 of the batallion and secure that 'god damm' north wall. I'll take teh rest to the west-side and protect the clerics and their damm hosptial.

Lafayette and his batallion make their way to the west side of the city, passing numerous injured civilians, damaged structures from different siege weapontry and fire's running out of control.

Eventually the 1/2 of batallion make it to the main city church where, their greeted by the Bisphop kempo.

Master Lafayette at your service. He /bows. I have orders to protect the hosptial, and ensure the safety of your clerics.

... Lafayette suddently becomes aware that no hospital has been set up ...

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