Tuesday 13 July 2010

Flashback - Five years ago ... (Lafayette and Rampen?)

Location: The sharp sword tavern (Near Baldur’s gate), a roughneck bar where only the lowest forms of life exist.

Timeline: 5 years to present game-day

/Andor: Jade: how good of you to take me up on my invitation, and ride across halfway across Cormyr and the rest of the realms to meet me.

/Jade: How could I refuse Andor, with such a tempting offer. Jade stretched her long bare arms, and indicated to the table, which Andor occupied. I see you have the right wine already poured and a satchel no doubt, containing the payment, which I expect for each job, whether or not I complete it.

/Andor: of course Jade, you know me, I’m a man who appreciates and respects employees with the right requisite skills, to perform the highly demanding jobs that I offer. And of course having the right looks never goes amiss.

/Jade: Your such a lying son of a jackal, but I appreciate the flattery nevertheless. What is this job on offer? You met my ostentatious fee without hesitation and even added a further 30% if I met you straight away. I know your wealthy Andor, but 500,000 gold pieces is quite a paycheck to sign.

/Andor: it is indeed. But nevertheless I have brought your payment. Andor points to the portable hole contained within a small satchel. And you know my word is good Jade, I have never failed to pay you.

/Jade: very true Andor.

/Andor: have you completed the first objective? War is coming, and certain obstacles need to be removed before the ‘Major’ plan can go forth.

/Jade: the first objective is complete. Jade tosses Andor a schematic for the city Selquinta, located on the ruins of dragonspear castle. You can see Andor, the annotations where Sentries are located, key building, and so on, all as we agreed. I took me 11 months of work and much … *cough; * … to achieve that level of detail. I’m sure you appreciate the fine details of my work

/Andor: well done jade, excellent work. That city is of highly strategic importance. And what of the second objective? Has mayor Rampen been removed from office, and had his head decapitated from his body.

/jade: you sound like you dislike the individual? Jade smiles evilly.

/Andor: I have never met a more stubborn mayor in my life. Refused all of my bribes to step down and leave peacefully. Even had the audacity to kill two of my men, piss on my gold, and send it back to me.

/jade: I have to admit; he has a certain style about him. But yes, the second objective has been completed. I employed 3 bounty hunters to take him down. He killed two of them with a single strike with is sword, but the third got the jump on, and after a brawl, which most bar-fighters would respect, Mayor Rampen, went down.

/Andor: he killed him ! ! !

/Jade: no. The contract wasn’t specific enough, so he brought him to the Bounty Hunters guild dungeon, and is awaiting collection by me.

/Andor: have you paid this ‘bounty hunter yet for his services. What was his name?

/Jade: Lafayette. And no not yet.

/Andor: Ah, you have plans for his as well. Your not going to use that old ‘staff of withering trick on Lafayette, and age him to death instead of paying his fee.

/Jade: Of course I am Andor, he a bounty hunter, and no longer of further use to me.

/Andor: Andor laughs. Well, I feel sorry for him, what a terrible way to go. Death by aging.

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