Wednesday 7 July 2010

Flashback - Death and Rebirth (Lafayette)

Inside a rat infested dungeon Lafayette attempted to ponder what had happened, and although escape had been on his mind, felt it was pretty futile given the amount of thickness the walls were made of, and the regular gaurds which patrolled his cells.

At around 01:00 hours, Lafayette, became aware of a mist, which permeated his cell and began to approch him. Although alarmed, Lafayette thought to himself, so their planning to execute me whih some alchemists poisiness gas, well very well, their is not much i can relly do.

To Lafayette's suprise, a quiet voice whispered something to him.

" " I am aware of your situation Lafayette and know of your innocence " ".

To Lafayette's amazement, materialising in one corner of the cell, was the silouette of a dark-skinned woman.
and seek to make a pact with you. I could help you to escape your situation Lafayette

/Lafayette: whatever you are, I would give anything to be out of this situation, and if you can influence the judge in this matter, i would be eternally grateful.

/dark-skinned woman: Thats an interesting way of putting things Layayette 'Eternally grateful'. I have no inflence on any judge sadly, but i do offer you the chance for freedom, in a round about sort of way.

/Lafayette: I'll gratefully take it in any way, just get me out of here.

/dark-skinned woman: You would do to know, that this pact is forever binding, and will require you to feed me regularly. This will also receive a montly wage of 100 gp, to help you manage your life's finances.

/Lafayette gulped: feed you ... what are you. That it became very apparent in his mind ... Sighing ... You have my word of honour. Now how do i get out of here?

/dark-skinned woman: The only way possibly ... through death, well of a sort. The creature fed and disappeared very rapidly.

The next morning, to the befuddlement of the gaurds, Layafette was pronounced dead and buried.

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