Wednesday 7 July 2010

Flashback - The Siege of Waterdeep Pt II (Lafayette)

… Flash back … The great gnoll siege of water deep.

/Lafayette: M’lord Kempo, I’ve had to split my batallion and defend both the north city wall, and the west side where your residence is. I/2 of my batallion is here to defend your clerics hospital.

/Kempo: Master at Arms Lafayette, the west wall is about to be breached and I would encourage your group to defend that wall, because of its proximity to my church”.

/ Lafayette: Sir I acknowledge your point, but the hospital will need a several sentries to ensure the civilians are kept safe to be healed by your clerics. I propose that I leave 10 soldiers at the Church of Kord, while the rest of us move to the west wall, to ensure all the bases are covered. M’lord Kempo, where are your healers. Has the hospital been attacked.

Suddenly at that point, the west wall is breached and Gnolls begin entering the city. The sounds of sword clatter, shield bashing and screams penetrate the west side of the city. Sir, never mind the hospital issue, I need your clerics to follow the rear of my batallion, to help with healing and ensure no one flanks us.

/kempo: Your absolutely right Lafayette. Lead forth and the clerics will cover your rear flank.

Lafayette’s team charged the Gnolls and unbeknown to them, the clerics all disappeared quietly inside the safety and security of the church walls, and the team were cut to pieces. Gnolls stormed the west side of water-deep and scattered throughout the city. The invasion had begun…

/Lafayette … bleeding and presumed dead lay on the battle-field with a squad of dead-troops around him. We were winning, where the hell was the healing and the rear-cover when we needed it. It became painfully obvious to Lafayette what had just transpired.

Some time later, when the invasion had finally been fought off, many key officials were being heralded as heroes, one being Bishop Kempo, for his religious help during the time of crises. During the procession through the Waterdeep, The lord mayor held an audience before the people and many as 100 officials were awarded metals of honour and valour. Most notably was that of Bishop Kempo.

/new caster … Bishop Kempo, have you any comments to say before you receive your award from the Lord mayor of Waterdeep ?

/Kempo … yes young man I do. Honour is the most important thing that exists and the people of waterdeep should all be proud of their braveness during such an ordeal.

………………… An arrow strikes Bishop Kempo in the knee , and a lone soldier approaches the bishop … The bishop retaliates with a small short ceremonial sword and decapitates the hand of the would be assassin. The assassin presses the attack and strikes a blow to Bishop Kempo’s head, which knocks him completely out. The assassin is apprehended and dragged off, with a new caster begging him for comment.

His name is Master at Arms Lafayette.

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