Thursday 15 July 2010

Quiet conversation at the Temple of Osiris

Location ‘The Dale-lands’ in a forest north of Cormyr.

Two clerics are walking in a courtyard devoted to the religion of Osiris.

/Sister Layla: Tis a lovely day in the Osiris land this morning Kamilah.

/Brother Kamilah: I agree Layla. It is a very glorious morning. One perfect for an occasion as special as today’s. You will be attending the ceremony for the dead and the indoctrination of our new members Layla?

/Layla: Of course Kamilah, its something which our noble god insists on attendance for and something which is a great honour to be part of. Which ceremony of the dead will the high priest be leading on this fine day?

/Kamilah: The death of our religions clerics during the hellgate keep war. An ordeal our noble order went to war for, following the assassination of Pandorren, a great patriarch of Osiris’. He will be honoured equally.

/Layla: Of course: I read of Pandorren during my religious studies. Where is he buried, somewhere near mount Osiris I expect?

/Kamilah: Unknown Layla. His body was never recovered. He was fighting alongside his brother when an assassin shot him in the back. A battle between his brother then ensued between the assassin and his accomplice, a magic user of some considerable power if I remember the teachings correctly.

/Layla: I was never taught this in my schooling.

/Kamilah: Perhaps the books they used during your time were considerably condensed as opposed to my time. Nevertheless, it is true. Apparently an explosion occurred, which wiped out a section of the town where the fight was occurring. Many people perished. Nothing remained of Pandorren.

/Layla: That’s quite a tale Kamilah.

/Kamilah: I agree. Interesting enough, if you believe in folklore, the prophecy does however speak of his imprisonment by the demon Lillith, a vile creature of the nine-hells and that sacred scroll, which could resurrect or free Pandorren. It all sounds abit far-fetched to me I have to admit. As you know Layla, you must have a body present to perform a ‘raise dead’ spell.

/Layla: I agree completely. There is no other way to retrieve the individual’s soul to a body.

The two clerics walk off and enter the church of Osiris, at the base of mount Osiris.

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