Wednesday 7 July 2010

Flashback - Bishop Kempo receives mixed news

... From the office of Bishop Kempo ...

My lord, have you heard the news, Layafette was found dead in his cell.

The bishop Kempo raised any eyebrow that suggested suprise and distain. Are you sure of your facts vicar anderson?

I am my mylord. He was pronounced dead by the healer androzanius, and burried in mount heliborn cermetary near the main port.

Has Piergeiron the Paladinson been informed of this development?

Yes mylord.

Bishop kempo squeezed his hands in anger. So he escapes the opportunity to have Kord cleanse his soul in the afterlife. /sigh

Very well. Thankyou Vicar Anderson for this information.

/Bishop Kempo smiles evily, thats one problem that won't have to be managed now.

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