Wednesday 7 July 2010

Flashback - Rise from the Dead (Lafayette)

As I lye here, the darkness seems endless and permeates my very being. Was it a harbinger of death (banshee) that brought me to this final resting place, or was it something else entirely.

I felt it . . . blood leaving my body . . . in a way which no sword wound could ever compare to. I felt the cold , the darkness entering me, as the black silhouette finished her ritual feasting of life, or rather ritual feasting of death. I felt the my heart begin to palpitate rapidly, faster and faster, and then begin to slow to a rate which I know would be fatal. I was powerless to stop this process, having stuck a fatal bargain which would remove me from the dungeons and execution by the hangman, but would still lead to one unexpected thing altogether; death. Not sure the exchange was really worth it.

I wake in the darkness .. is this what death is ? It’s highly uncomfortable if so. I feel a trickle of soil on my forehead, and take a min to observed the cramped quarters I’m presently in. Yes … a box. I attempt to breathe, but my lungs are unresponsive, and no none of my limbs appear to move. Is this what death finally is. Trapped in box throughout eternity and unable to move or breathe. Stuck with nothing but my thoughts till the world ends.

I hear something else, a wizzing sort of sound, which appears to be emanating from within the same box I’m in. An unlucky bumble be I think to myself … the whizzing becomes louder and over an undeterminable amount of time, I hear a voice. I’m here Layfette and your ‘eternally grateful self’ will get the chance to be grateful for all of eternity. I have not forgotten our bargain, but we must free you from this state of suspension, inwhich you presently exist.

Although I’m not able to move nor see, I’m aware of a presence within the box, and hear both the splintering of wood, and the feeling of dark soil engulfing me. I’m aware of a pulling sensation, physically forcing me though the vegetation. I feel worms, aphids and other insects within the soil crawling in all my orifices and the continued feeling of being pulled in an upward motion. Suddenly the blackness dissipates, and I’m able to see a moonlight evening and feel hard wind upon my skin. I’m still not able to move, nor breathe, but do feel a myself being lifted by a pair of hands and laid upon a nearby stone bench. Don’t move Lafayette, laugh’s the Dark Silhouetted woman and Lafayette hears chanting emanating from the woman. While on my back, the dark woman leans over and blows something into my mouth with an indescribable force.

At the moment, I feel power returning to my limbs, air entering my lungs and my heart begins to beat. You are free Lafayette from your “ “ “ incarceration” ” “ and now I must encourage haste, before someone discovers us. Haste I say … to where …? You must leave water-deep Lafayette and travel to the silver marshes, where I will provide you sanctuary, until you have fully recovered. Thereafter, we can consult on our pact and best way to ensure that both parties are happy with the arrangement.

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