Monday 19 July 2010

Flashback - An old Abbot's warning (Garf)

As Garf walked into the corridor the door to Bishop Kempos office closed behind him. He stood for a while uncertain of what had just happened. The opportunity he had just received was quite amazing. The prospect of a Church of his own was exciting to Garf. Under other circumstances he would have put it down to his high academic achievements but he couldn’t help thinking that the events of the previous night must have a bearing on his situation. There was only one man within the monastery that Garf truly trusted with a matter such as this. He walked down the corridor towards the room of Abbot Dias-rut. The Abbot had been Garfs mentor from an early age and he had always found him to be a wise and honourable man. He knocked on the door ‘Enter’. Garf walked into the room to find the old monk sat in his chair. He looked frail and tired but this was no surprise to him. In recent weeks the Abbot had fallen ill, and although he had managed to hide this fact from most of the other monks those close to him had seen the true extent of his ailment.

“Ahhh, Garf”, the old man gave a weak smile. He was pleased to see his student, he had always liked the young cleric. “How may I be of service to you today brother”. Garf moved closer to the abbot “I have had news from Bishop Kempo. He has asked me to travel to the city of Weddenvale and take over the Church there”. The Abbot looked thoughtfully at Garf “That is indeed an honour for one as young as yourself”. Garf nodded respectfully “I have been asked to leave immediately. I was hoping you may be able to offer me some advice”. Garf could see the Abbot was tired and the effort of maintaining his concentration on the conversation was beginning to take its toll on him “Advice hmmm, let me think..... “. The Abbott sat back in his chair and his head fell slightly to one side as he began mumbling. “Advice ...yes ...” the abbot paused as if searching for a distant memory and then the concentration on his face faltered “Garf could you please pass me some water”. Garf walked through an arch into a small ante room to the Abbots chamber. A small jug and a metal goblet stood on a table in the corner. Garf filled the goblet and was about to return when he heard the Abbot from the other room. “Garf, the pendent on the table, the one on the right. Could you please bring it for me?“ Garf looked down at the pendent. It was inscribed with a symbol of Kord and from the other markings on it he could tell it obviously held some magical power. Under normal circumstances this was the kind of thing Garf would avoid. He had heard stories of what happened to the unwary who naively meddled with such objects but Garf trusted his mentor and obediently carried it back to him.

The abbot seemed to have become paler in Garfs momentary absence. Garf passed him the water and he took a small sip. The abbot started to speak and Garf leaned in closer to hear. “I have no advice for you young Garf, my current ailment has robbed me of much. I can however offer you the pendent you are holding. It will protect you on your journey” The old man coughed as his words became broken. Garf put his hand on the Abbots shoulder “Perhaps you should rest now I have troubled you enough ...” The abbot grabbed Garf by his robe with both hands and the metal goblet fell to the floor with a dull metallic clang. The sudden burst of strength from the sick old man surprised Garf as the Abbot pulled him closer. The look in the Abbots eyes had changed, his eyes were wide with fear and his voice was reduced almost to a whisper. “Don’t underestimate someone tall and reverent inside” he stared into Garfs eyes for a moment and then slumped back into his chair.

Garf stood, shocked at the sudden outburst. The Abbot sat there mumbling the same phrase and Garf could tell he was exhausted and no longer even aware of his presence. Unsure of what to do for him Garf thought it best to let him rest. “Goodbye old friend. If I find a healer in my travels who can help you I will send him here” .

Garf left the room and made his way down the corridor. He did not know what to make of the Abbots warning. It would seem that the abbots illness had started to affect his mind but Garf resolved to heed his warning none the less, the least he could do for his mentor was give him that much respect. As he walked back to his cell Garfs mind turned to the prospect of his new Church with excitement and without really noticing his paced quickened as he made his way to make his preparations for the early morning departure to Weddenvale.

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