Wednesday 7 July 2010

Flashback - Extra! Extra! Read all about it! (Lafayette)

... news brief ... The waterdeep Gazette.

Time: 4 months later
Location: Main waterdeep city

/paper seller (scroll): Extra extra: read all about it. A desecration has occurred in Mount helibron Cemetary.

/Vicar anderson: tis bad times when the only news that can reproted is a last person's resting place.

/paper seller: Agree there wit-ya vicar. But i don't think people will be all that troubled by the news. I've only sold 10 scrolls all day long.

/vicar anderson: Why's that ?

/paper seller: It was that their criminal Lafayette, and we know how he was viewed in the end by the cities inhabitants. Who would by his story ... The paper seller spat. A dead criminals last resting place descrated. Some folk would think his corpse probably deserves it. /the seller laughes. I wonder where it is anyhow. The alchemists betting shop is actually taking wagers on which part of the city it will end up in ..

/vicar anderson ... what do you mean disappered. ?

/paper seller ... thats right ... The whole dame body mising. Captian Bight has done the investigation --> /points at the quote on the scroll
" " " i'm sure this was either a practical joke or the work of magic, as it appears that after investigating that the coffin was opened from the inside. We know thats impossible because after 4-months without oxygen, no person much less a dragon would be alive. No spell could last that long, and no signs of and wars or circle magic was found " " " .

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